Sunday, October 15, 2023

Air Quality, Humidity, and Other Air Quality Factors

-Kritika berdasarkan faktor K: qo = Aliran air tanah pada waktu t (bulan ke t), DVn = Perubahan volume aliran air tanah, Vn-1 = Volume air t... thumbnail 1 summary

-Kritika berdasarkan faktor K: qo = Aliran air tanah pada waktu t (bulan ke t), DVn = Perubahan volume aliran air tanah, Vn-1 = Volume air tanah bulan n-1, k = kriteria kuefisien tanaman untuk pengolahan lahan.

Perhitungan kebutuhan air di sawah berdasarkan kritika tidak diperkirakan oleh lama-lama.

Air Temperature

Air temperature is a measure of how hot or cold the air is. It is one of the most commonly measured weather parameters and is important for many activities, including human comfort, agriculture, and industry. Air temperature is also a key factor in determining precipitation patterns and types, such as rain, snow, or sleet.

Air temperatures are determined by the kinetic energy of the gas molecules that make up the atmosphere. As the gas molecules move more quickly, the temperature rises. Conversely, as the gas molecules move more slowly, the temperature falls.

Temperature is affected by a variety of factors, such as geography and the movement of large pools of air called air masses. Air pressure and temperature are interconnected concepts in the climate system, with the rising of one resulting in a decrease in air pressure, and the sinking of the other leading to a rise in air pressure. Air pressure and temperature also vary from place to place, depending on a number of factors such as the height above sea level, latitude, and longitude.

Air Pressure

Air pressure is the weight of a multitude of air molecules pressing down on Earth. Pressure increases with the number of molecules above a surface and decreases with the number of molecules below.

The kinetic energy of the molecules that make up the air causes them to collide at regular intervals with each other and the walls of any container in which they are contained. The number of collisions increases as the number of molecules increases, causing the air to expand and exert a force perpendicular to the wall.

The unit of air pressure is the hectopascal (hPa), named after Blaise Pascal (1623-1662). One hectopascal equals 14.7 pounds per square inch, also known as standard atmospheric pressure or sea level pressure. Meteorologists use millibars on weather maps. The higher the altitude, the lower the air pressure. This is why your ears pop on a plane as you ascend to a new altitude - the air pressure is less than the atmospheric pressure at your previous altitude.

Air Humidity

Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. It is determined by the rate of vaporization and condensation of water, which depends on temperature. Air with more moisture can hold less water vapor than dry air of the same temperature, and so the relative humidity will change even though the absolute humidity remains constant.

High humidity can make it difficult for an adult to regulate their internal body temperature by evaporating perspiration, and it can also contribute to the growth of fungus and other contaminates. In animals, too much humidity can cause stress and lead to reduced feed intake and poor reproduction.

The water vapor in the air may eventually condense at the Earth's surface, forming clouds, fog or various forms of precipitation. The condensation releases latent heat, which warms the surrounding air and causes it to rise by natural convection, and this process is a major driver of thunderstorms and other weather phenomena.

Water Temperature

Water temperature has a major impact on a variety of aquatic processes and organisms, including growth rates and disease tolerance. It influences the solubility of metal contaminants, such as cadmium and zinc and increases the toxicity of other compounds such as ammonia1.

Surface water temperatures typically have a seasonal variation in most places (2oC - 25oC), while ground water has more constant temperature. Increasing water temperature causes algal growth, which may produce musty, earthy or mouldy tasting drinking water and also increases the vapour pressure of trace volatile organic chemicals.

Warm water decreases the ability of a sample to hold dissolved oxygen, causing anoxia (lack of oxygen). Water temperature changes are often difficult to see in samples taken in the field; therefore, temperature is typically measured using data loggers placed in streams, wetlands or lakes over long periods of time. Temperature changes are a significant cause of anoxia, but other stressors, such as habitat alteration and discharge of heated industrial effluents, may also contribute to anoxia in coastal waters.

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